Main » Business Catalog » Industry and Manufacturing | | 30.08.2014, 07:31 |
All Information about Your company (any language): Firma Kospel jest jednym z największych w Europie producentów podgrzewaczy wody i elektrycznych kotłów centralnego ogrzewania. Została założona w 1990 roku przez obecnego Prezesa Krzysztofa Łukasika, który rozpoczął montaż pierwszych, skonstruowanych przez siebie przepływowych podgrzewaczy wody. Dzisiaj firma zatrudnia w 3 nowoczesnych zakładach produkcyjnych ponad 400 pracowników. Jej produkty znane są nie tylko w większości krajów europejskich ale również w Azji i Afryce. Korzysta z nich już przeszło 5,5 miliona użytkowników. | |
Information about Your company in English language: Kospel company was established in 1990. It appeared on the market as a manufacturer of electric instantaneous water heaters. From the very beginning of our presence we have set the goal lesbian milf Approved quality Because we meet the toughest quality requirements, our products have been certified with numerous certification centres worldwide. It has enabled us to expand into foreign markets. European Union countries and former Soviet Union countries are our leading export markets.Our prior aim is to offer modern and energy-saving heating appliances which will ensure convenient and never-failing operation. Research and Development Modernization of our products is based on their current and potential users' opinion and diligent researches carried out by our Engineering Department. We are proud to inform that Kospel's appliances are being sold to over 35 countries and used by more than 2,5 milion customers. Advanced technology The latest technology is employed as early as at the design stage. We deploy extremly precise numerically controlled automatic machines, components produced by renowned companies and strict procedures of supervision. A modern stock of machines and a well equipped too-room allows for automatization of most manufacturing processes. Multi-stage quality management The inner inspection system is based on the highest quality standards. Particular elements and semifinished products undergo various tests and verifications at each manufacturing stage. Each appliance is put on final regulations, correctness check and safety control before it leaves the factory. The reliability of our quality control system is confirmed by the periodical audits of many European certification centres. | |
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