Main » Business Catalog » Trade and Distribution | | 22.08.2014, 05:24 |
All Information about Your company (any language): Fot-Art to firma importowo-exportowa działająca na rynku polskim i europejskim od ponad 10 lat. Oferujemy szeroką gamę asortymentu fotograficznego. Jesteśmy nowoczesnym i prężnie rozwijającym się przedsiębiorstwem, które poszerzyło swój asortyment o baterie oraz żarówki. | |
Information about Your company in English language: FOT-ART is an export-import company operating in the Polish and European market for over ten years. We offer a wide range of photographic equipment. Being a modern and fast-developing company, we have expanded our range of products to include batteries and light bulbs. The goods imported by FOT-ART are of the highest quality and include such brands as Fuji, Kodak, Energizer, Duracell, Samsung and Pleomax. We co-operate both with wholesellers as well as reatilers and individual clients. Our products can be delivered in the whole area of Poland via Poczta Polska or DHL. Fot-Art is located in the middle-east Europe, in Wrocław, Poland. Poland is a country situated in the middle of Europe, with almost 40-million inhabitants. It is ranked as 6th as far as the number of citizens is concerned. Wrocław is conveniently placed nearby one of the most important East-West transport routes, the A4 motorway (E40). Wrocław is the fourth biggest city in Poland and the capital of Lower Silesia region. It has a well-developed infrastructure and communication links. It is one of the fastest developing regions among big cities in Poland. | |
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